
03:20 PM | 23-07-2019

Hi I am Ekta. I am 23 years old. I had viral meningitis last year. After that my health is not totally recovered. I have headache, lower back pain, also sinus is detected. Could someone give tips to improve my immunity power as well as tips for good health

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4 Answers

08:20 PM | 23-07-2019

Namaste Ekta,

Your body is already well equpped to heal itself. You just need to make the needed inclusions and exclusions that will support your body in getting back to its normal self. What we think as immunity power is actually our vitality or life force that, when let to function unhindered will take care of cleansing, healing etc.

Your body is not able to function normally at the moment because it is being drained of its vitality by the accumulated toxins, chemical or metal deposits from unhealthy living and eating habits, eating too much of processed and packaged foods laden with additives and preservatives, intake of medicines, vaccinations etc.

What are the lifestyle practices that you need to include in your daily routine to remove the toxins and chemical deposits from your body?

1 Connect with nature. Go out in the sun every morning and soak in the early morning rays.

2 Do some relaxed and deep breathing in the fresh air everyday. You may practice pranayam if you have learnt. If not just practice Diaphramatic breathing.

3 Go out and spend some time with mother earth. Walk barefopot. Sit on the mud or grass. Or if possible do some gardening.

4 Get well hydrated by consuming lot of fresh, locally grown and seasonal fruits and vegetables.

5 Rest well. Get atleast 8 hours of deep sleep. And please go to bed in the early part of the night. And wake up with the sun.

6 Keep an eye on your bowel movements. eliminate more than you eat.

7 Do some physical excercise. Move your body. Walk, do Yoga, get into some regular outdoor sport.

What could you eat?

Start your day with a fresh juicy sweet fruit as late in the morning as possible. Have a fruit meal for lunch. And you may finish dinner before the sun sets with a fresh vegetable salad with lots of fresh vegetables,sprouts, soaked nuts and greens.

What should you avoid?

1 No processed or packaged food. No sugar, salt or refined flours and refined oils.

2 Avoid eating when not hungry. Never over eat. Dont starve. Dont eat when not in a positive mood.

3 Over working, when not feeling like working.

And during the whole process if you need a proper diagnosis to be done along with more ongoing support, do not hesitate to contact us.

Be Happy Be Healthy Always

Swati Dhariwal

Nature Cure Practitioner


09:05 PM | 23-07-2019

Thank you so much ma'am


03:06 PM | 25-07-2019

Hey Ekta,

The body reverses the health problem when it gets the right quantum of conserved vitality.

When the body realises enough quota of vitality, it throws away the toxins from within. Those instances are commonly experienced as an acute condition of the body, viz. fever, flu, skin rashes, loose motions, acute pain etc.

Now, the concept of IMMUNITY is a superstitious concept as commonly the above acute conditions are considered as lack of immunity whereas those are the signs of health and vitality.

The symptoms that you are mentioning are indicating that you could not expel the older toxins and the body is trying to trigger some or other endeavours to expel those. You need to inculcate a consistent habit of conserving vitality so that you get relieved from the old toxins and chronic state of health.

Please consult with a competent Nature Cure practitioner to plan your lifestyle to conserve more and more vitality.

And, yes, forget about IMMUNITY, start focusing on VITALITY.

To know more about IMMUNITY, THE SUPERSTITION, watch this conversation.

Thank you...

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC)
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always. 
To know more about PNC, you can study, in order, this series of 15 articles. 

07:03 PM | 23-07-2019


Since you are lacking Immunity power, you face such sickness in your heatlh.

Take half cup of apple juice and half cup of beet root juice. Mix apple juice with beetroot juice. Add honey to this and stir well to mix. Have this juice twice a day till 7 days.

Then eat vegetables, fruits on more qty and reduce the rice intake little.

Light meals, rice, lentils, soups, vegetables and fruits like pomegranate and melons are perticularly recommended.

cook veggies in mud pot to get iron in the body.

practice pranayama regularly. 

Have brisk walk in the early morning. 

You will see improvment and healing side.

09:05 PM | 23-07-2019

Thanks a lot sir


05:12 PM | 24-07-2019

Dear Ekta - Immunity & good health are easy to attain when you tune to the laws of nature. Wellcure's buddy service can be of help to you. Let me know if you would like to explore. 

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