
10:56 AM | 25-07-2019

Is microwaved food unsafe?

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4 Answers

11:49 AM | 25-07-2019


To begin with, as per natural living system food is not to be heated as heating food at high temperatures destroys the enzymes and nutritional elements of food. This food is no more nourishing for the body. So, re-heating can not be considered a good option in any case.

Further, microwaves use radiations to heat the food. And these radiations end up altering the molecular composition of the food. Hence not a great option. 

Personally, I do not have a microwave at home and it is a conscious choice!


12:49 PM | 25-07-2019

Yes, it’s best to not cook any food, next best is to steam and have, next best is to use clay containers to cook. If baking, then use a convection oven / otg and not a microwave which uses high-frequency radio waves which apart from cooking are used for communications too. Since we have to use plastic this form of cooking majorly becomes harmful. Any form of cooking kills nutrients. It’s best to use fire or related for cooking than radiowaves. Any form of EMF is bad for the body - this includes wireless too.. but if u have an option to avoid it, please do

03:10 PM | 25-07-2019

Hi there ,

The use of microwaved food is highly debatable as there are both pros and cons of its usage like any other machineries .most people believes that it emits radiation which is harmful for our body however there are no sufficient evidence or proof as to how it effects the body through radiation . Well to be on the safer side one should always opt for glassware or ceramics for heating food . 
Note that almost everything around us emits radiation upto certain level including the device in front of you right now . 
But it's always better to use conventional methods of cooking . 

03:09 PM | 25-07-2019

Hello Ji,

Anything advanced technology when it comes to food is unsafe only. Not only it harms our digestive system but also increase toxin in our body slowly.



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