
04:04 PM | 30-07-2019

I am a young man of 19,i am havving a skinny fat body and lack muscles? How can i build a muscular body?

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4 Answers

07:23 PM | 30-07-2019

If you are skinny as well as fat then i would first suggest you to lose your fat by doing running , swimming , jogging or brisk walking ....... And together take a good protein intake so that you dont encounter a muscle injury during your fat loss journey ..... Maintain a balanced diet and avoid bloating of stomach by not eating too much at a time .... Later then you can continue on ur journey for building muscle .... Doing both things at a time would be to much exhausting for a begginer ..... Hope this helps you to clear your mind about your fitness journey 🙏😇😀

07:22 PM | 30-07-2019

Join a gym and do weight training or join yoga and under the guidance of an able teacher, start focusing on asanas that will lift your own body weight.

To make this happen, you must also be on a healthy whole food plant based lifestyle with focus on raw. Once animal products come in, you might think that ur building , but body will slowly become inefficient and before you know in few yrs, you will have major unexpected unrelated unexplainable issues which in nature cure only we can understand. Also while having fruits greens and veggies, your amino acids will help the body in generating what is needed for a healthy growth. While you push yourself harder out of your comfort zone, you will also ensure to rest enough to see the growth. Rest and a plant based lifestyle is crucial here without any room for sugar or  junk. Avoid oils in the cooked food too


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07:10 PM | 30-07-2019

Hi Deepak,

People with skinny fat body are often referred to as Ectomorphs. Their fat often gets accumulated and stored at the belly and thus have weak limbs.

Just follow these steps to build muscle.


1. The biggest problem with Ectomorphs is that they believe that they eat a lot and still look weak. When you start calculating your calories you will be shocked to see that you are actually consuming very less calories.

2. Changing the mindset. You need to start believing in yourself and make necessary changes. Don't think that this is hereditary. Regular workout and eating healthy will help you build muscle.


1. Workout Regularly - For muscle building you need to do strength training. Start slowly, having the right posture is more important than lifting heavy weights.

2. Avoid Cardio. - For ectomorphs, cardio. is not recommended as you will lose all your gains. It is suggested to do 15-30 mins. of cardio. only to build stamina.


1. Calculate all the healthy calories you consume in a day. For muscle gain protein is very important. Thus, eat protein provided by nature, everyday.

2. Avoid all types of junk, processed, oily, animal-based items.

NOTE:Building muscle is a gradual process and does not happen overnight. Have faith in your mind, body and your diet. You will definitely feel the difference.


06:01 PM | 30-07-2019

What do you mean by skinny fat body? To build muscles you need to exercise,  preferably body weight exercises and eat healthy  - a low fat plant based diet.

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