
09:01 AM | 30-07-2019

Hii guys I been suffering from psoriasis disease since 4 to 5 years back , it's spreading gradually ,can anyone help me in this to get solution for it

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6 Answers

03:34 PM | 30-07-2019

नमस्ते रूबी जी

हाज़मा और क़ब्ज़ ही सारी बीमारी का मूल कारण आप जब खाने के बारे सोंचे तो केवल कच्चे आहार में क्या लिया जा सकता है ये देखना है दिन शुरुआत १/२खीरे+५पुदीने के पत्ते को पीस कर १०० ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ, 1 घंटे बाद फल खाएँ साथ में थोड़े सूखा फल जैसे की मुनक्के, अंजीर, खजूर, किसमिस, ख़ुरबानी लें भिगोए हुए।

पालक१० पत्ते+पान पत्ते १ को पीस कर 100ml  पानी में मिला कर पीएँ। इस जूस के एक घंटे बाद खाना खाएँ। खाने में सलाद मेवे के साथ ज़रूर लें सब्ज़ी के सूप में घी या मक्खन या अन्य तेल के जगह में काजू  ,  बादाम, अखरोट, नारियल का पेस्ट मिलाएँ और तिल या अलसी भूने हुए 2 चम्मच मिलाएँ।

जितना आराम शरीर को चाहिए उससे ज़्यादा आराम पेट को चाहिए सो अनाज कम लें दूध, दही, घी, तेल, से बचें अंकुरित अनाज सलाद में मिला कर लें।

शाम को भी फल खाएँ और रात को सूप और सलाद। 

05:21 PM | 31-07-2019

Hello Ruby,
Avoid dairy products and white sugar as much as possible. 
Drink a lot of water.
Don't eat meat.
You can use turmeric and neem paste for external application as it has anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties. 
Your digestive system should work properly to stay fit.
Don't eat junk food ,deep fried food.
Have seasonal fruits and vegetables, salad,sprouts, nuts in your diet.

03:37 PM | 30-07-2019

Hi. You may find these stories of real life people curing psoriasis naturally useful - 

  1. https://www.wellcure.com/health-journeys/79/nature-helped-me-get-rid-of-psoriasis-thyroid-fatty-liver
  2. https://www.wellcure.com/health-journeys/55/going-off-dairy-helped-me-get-rid-of-psoriasis-migraines-colds-digestive-issues

You should consult a nature cure expert/naturopath/natural health coach to handhold you through the process of making changes in your life. Let me know if you need to be guided to one.

01:41 PM | 31-07-2019

Hello ma'am, could you please guide me what should I eat or what should not eat.. please suggest me natural health coach or nature cure expert.

Dr Jiban Kumar Sharma

02:58 PM | 31-07-2019

Avoid citrus fruit,animal fat including milk,butter and eggs should be avoided,neem and turmeric application is good,coconut oil application mustard seed paste and wash with warm water

05:20 PM | 31-07-2019

Hello there
For psoriasis problem
 Hot epsom salt bath ,ganji turmeric bath ,neem leaf paste turmeric.citrus fruit should be avoided ,animal products should be avoided completely

05:21 PM | 31-07-2019

What is ganji turmeric bath?


03:34 PM | 30-07-2019

Hi there ,


These are some of the effective natural therapy you can try out ; 

Hot epsom salt bath then apply olive oil all over your body 

You can also try Ganji turmeric bath:it improves symptoms & can be used as safe & inexpensive therapy

Neem leaf paste:neem leaf paste turmeric

Athapasnana:Plantain leaf bath


 Diet plays a crucial role so consume more fruits and vegetables as they are rich in antioxidants and anti inflammatory agents .

You can try juice fasting(Carrots,beetroots,cucumbers & grapes for fasting) 

Citrus fruits should be avoided) but start your fast according to your physicians advice.

Animal fats,including milk,butter & eggs should be avoided completely

Consume more Vit.E it helps in reducing itching .


I hope this helps 


11:12 AM | 30-07-2019

Dear Ruby,

Some suggestions:

  1. In our Health Journeys section, we have stories of real people who healed themselves naturally. It may help you to read psoriasis-related journeys.
  2. Follow the thread to a similar query, click here

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