
10:33 AM | 02-08-2019

I want to lose my belly fat please guide?

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1 Answer

04:40 PM | 02-08-2019


Change your diet and life style to overcome belly fat.

Avoid high carbohydrates like polished rice and potato.

Avoid oily and fried foods, processed foods, fatty foods like butter, purified butter, cheese, whole-milk yogurt, cream, chocolate, etc.

Have more bitter vegetables like bitter gourd and the bitter variety of drumsticks.

Replace refined flour with whole-wheat flour and rice with brown rice or parboiled rice.

Increase intake of fruits, salads and vegetables.

Sip Mint or ginger tea once in a day.

Eat vegetables such as bitter gourd and drumsticks to control belly fats.

Do some yoga on reglur basis. Fitness is very important, more over take a look on your digestive system and your bowl movement. 


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