
05:38 PM | 06-08-2019

It is advised that cabbage,broccoli, cauliflower. ,these are not good for thyroid patients. Is it correct?

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2 Answers

07:56 AM | 07-08-2019

No crucifers and nightshades are not as harmful as the lifestyle being led. Please see plenty of journeys who have reversed thyroid and let us know by commenting on this if you have any questions 

07:56 AM | 07-08-2019

At THAC, we learnt that it is not the food that acts on a body, but it is the body that response to food. So it will be incorrect to say that cabbage, broccoli, or cauliflower is not good for thyroid. Because of hurried eating or improper chewing there is a lot of effort and stress in the throat region while having these salad items raw. It will be good if these vegetables are chopped finely. One may use a food processor for this purpose. One can also use wet grinding to save the chewing effort.


From yogic perspective the Ujjayi Pranayam is very effective. It is done by first inhaling and then exhaling from nostrils, while keeping the mouth closed. The air should come out with the sense of subtle vibration in the windpipe. There should be sensation of friction in the throat area. However I don’t recommend practising Pranayam or Asana practice merely by reading the instruction here. The best is to search for a qualified yoga trainer and learn it in person. Sarvangasana or inverted pose asana is also helpful in correcting the thyroid complication.

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