
09:56 AM | 06-08-2019

Hi, My 5 years daughter has a habit of bedwetting in the night. How can it be solved.

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4 Answers

04:50 PM | 06-08-2019

Bed wetting too can be perceived as a kind of disease or uneasiness which needs a cure. I advise to accept it normally, to not appear alarmed, resort to rebuking/ shaming as if the child is doing anything terribly wrong. It needs to be treated as a disease which needs attention and care. Do not let your child know about the problem by reminding about when it’s awake.

Observing your child’s food and drinking pattern is important. The night meal should be consumed early. After an hour or 90 minutes and the child can have some drink like smoothie or any other liquid or water. Observe your child’s drinking pattern. Encourage the child to not wait for becoming totally thirsty before drinking water. The habit of sipping water and drinking water very slowly will ensure that the it doesn’t overfill the bladder.

Encourage the habit of urinating proactively. People with constipation have less control over bladder. So check your child’s food consumption. Is the food oily/spicy, difficult to digest or devoid of fibre? Too much of inflammatory, fried, junk food can also lead to constipation. Avoid this type of food by introducing healthier but equally tastier food options. 

Check if the child is aware of this bed wetting habit and if it is developing a guilt or shame in the child. It is not something to be ashamed of. Also see if there is any unaddressed emotion or lack of attention. If there is a definite time for bed wetting or late in the night, don’t wake your child up when he or she is urinating. Get prepared for the next day and if it is recurring then around that time you be ready and gently ask him or her to wake up and urinate. Please be very gentle while waking your child. With proper care waking just once in night should address this problem. Make sure that your child always completes its hours of sleep and have proper rest as insufficient sleep may also be a wetting trigger.

What you do after that your child is sleeping is less important than what all you can do when your child is awake. Instilling the urinating habit, drinking water patterns, taking the pee break, talking with child and not showing it as the act of shame will help your child overcome it easily.

12:39 PM | 06-08-2019


Bedwetting is a problem faced by many children. To treat it naturally, parents play an important role. 

Don't give her any liquid based items 2-3hour before sleeping. 

Make sure that she goes to the washroom before sleeping for peeing. 

Wake her up in the midnight after around 3hours and take her to the washroom, this will develop a habit for her.

Give her plant based diet and avoid animal foods.

04:51 PM | 06-08-2019

Could be an underlying inexpressible and unknown fear too. Sometimes when u ask them about all this , they can’t telll you. It happens when her body is switched off . So she can’t tell you. While kids get potty trained while they are awake, during sleep time, body is not in the same beta state. Here they have to be mentally be ready to handle it. She may not be ready yet. Don’t push her / don’t judge her / don’t try to force training on her. The best you can do is to lovingly let her know that it’s okay to bed wet and when time comes she will grow out of it. As parents when you genuinely feel it’s ok and she will outgrow it, she will really feel a sense of acceptance and might not do it. 

Ofcourse manage her intake and finish all of the food and drink by 7pm. 

Another way to help the comms to the brain from

The other organs effectively is to keep her high on a plant based life. If she is on diary / meat / eggs fish sugar etc , remove it and feed her lots of fruits and veggies. Till 12 train her overtime to be on fruits. This major change plus your acceptance of her will make her ok 

04:50 PM | 06-08-2019


This is Common in children below 6 years of age.

This happens due to Small bladder, Immature nervous system.

Give your child walnuts & raisins to eat every night
Encourage your child to urinate before sleeping
Avoid giving him or her any liquids 30 min before bedtime
Do not punish & ensure that the elder kids in the house do not tease your child
Be patient with your child


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