
12:25 PM | 10-01-2019

A 4 year old in our family has loose motions. What can be given? He hates fruits.

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3 Answers

10:13 AM | 10-01-2019

Make sure you keeping the child off dairy and off grains completely to aid recovery, Try and offer coconut water though best is to offer some homemade fruit juice everytime he passes motions.

 Allow him to rest amply and sleep as much as he can. Give plain sips of water, if the child doesn’t take anything else.

10:13 AM | 10-01-2019

Concoction of lemon mixed with equal amount of water can help.  No sugar, no salt to be added.



10:12 AM | 10-01-2019

Fruits are your best bet during a bad stomach.  They are easiest to digest, don’t add to load of digestion, and also help support cleaning.  However, if the child is completely unwilling, try and see if you can feed the fruits in form of homemade juices and smoothies

 Anaar juice is usually a favourite with children.  You could also give an apple banana smoothie. You can even freeze these in ice cubes and offer as ice-cream in a glass.


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