
10:29 AM | 26-02-2021

I have a lots of dandruff on my head. What to do prevent the dandruff on my scalp?

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2 Answers

01:50 PM | 01-03-2021

Hello Suraj,

Dandruff indicates that toxins are also present inside the body. Dandruff may result from unhygienic conditions, any infection, improper lifestyle, using chemical-based products, etc.

Local application 

  • Apply onion juice on your scalp. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash your hair.
  • Take neem leaves and make a paste. Apply this on your hair. Leave it for 30minutes and then wash your hair. This will help to fight against local infections. 
  • Maintain personal hygiene. 
  • Don't share your towel, soaps, clothes with anyone.


  • Have only plant-based natural foods. 
  • Include salads, sprouts, and nuts to your diet.
  • Drink coconut water. 
  • Have fresh, seasonal, and locally available fruits and vegetables. 
  • Use cold-pressed oil for.cooking instead of refined oils.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to be hydrated. 


Yoga is essential for improving blood circulation.

Shirsha asana and ardha shirsha asana helps to improve the blood circulation to the roots of the hairs. So, perform shirsha asana or ardha shirsha asana in the morning. 

Do 12 sets of suryanamaskar regularly. This will help to improve the blood circulation in the whole body.

Take sunrays early in the morning. 


Take proper sleep of at least 7-8 hours daily. Sleep early at night at around 10 pm and also wake up early in the morning at around 6 am. 

Read books before sleeping for an improved quality of sleep. 

Thank you 

11:29 AM | 26-02-2021

Dear Suraj,

Thanks for sharing your concern with us! Let us first try to look at dandruff problem from Nature Cure perspective.

Please understand that the state of your hair reflects your overall health too. Our hair gets its nutrition from within. There are living cells in the hair bulb which get their nourishment from the blood to make good healthy hair. Taking care of the body’s needs – physiological, mental and emotional needs with the correct lifestyle results in the superior quality of blood which feeds the cells of the hair. When the quality of blood supplying the nutrition is good, the quality of hair and scalp is good too. Dandruff is an indication that there is an imbalance in the amount of nourishment that the scalp is getting. 

Adopting a natural lifestyle helps improve the quality of blood and increase nutrition available to the hair follicles, which in turn helps arrest and reverse issues like hair fall and dandruff. You can explore our Natural Health Coaching Program that helps in making the transition, step by step. Our Natural Health Coach will look into your daily routine in a comprehensive way and give you an action plan. She/he will guide you on your, sleep, exercise, stress to correct your existing routine & make it in line with Natural Laws.

In the meantime, here are some resources that you may find useful -

  1. Blog - Healthy Hair - Nourish your crowning glory.
  2. Health journeys of people who cured their skin issues naturally

Hope you find this useful!

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