
11:48 AM | 11-04-2024

Sir,I have belching problem since 15years and more during night. Tried all remedies but nothing helped

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1 Answer

12:10 PM | 11-04-2024

Namaste Shankar,
We understand that it must be challenging for you to deal with this condition. Belching is a normal phenomenon that which body does to push out excess air from the upper digestive tract. But excess belching is a sign of an unhealthy Gut which is caused by wrong eating habits and lifestyle and leads to toxic accumulation inside the body. If you start providing the right nutrition to the body. this issue will be reduced gradually.
Simple ways to reduce Belching:
1. Start your day with a light meal, and switch to a fruit breakfast till 12noon instead of a grain-based breakfast
2. Take an inch of ginger and boil in two cups of water with half a teaspoon of turmeric and honey, this will help in beating inflammation caused by indigestion.
3. Chew food properly, don't eat and drink in a hurry. sit properly and chew every morsel properly.
4. Put wet packs on the neck and abdomen region every morning empty stomach and in the evening after 2-3 hrs of meal.

If you need more guidance and handholding you can explore and join our Natural & Holistic Healing program, where a natural health coach will comprehensively look into your routine and give you a customised diet & lifestyle action plan.
Meanwhile, you can go through the article on 5 Habits Harming your gut.

For queries, you can contact our teammates: 9238611952 (Sanjana), 9411817885 (Neha)

Wishing you good health

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