
12:55 PM | 10-04-2024

Hello! My daughter of 21 months and the family follows whole food plant based diet except for few cheat meals. She has been recently been detected with hypothyroidism. I am suffering from hypothyroidism since 8 years and I am taking medication. My entire pregnancy and few years before that was totally wfpb. What can I do to reverse her condition? I have not yet started her medication. I will be forever grateful for any guidance which helps my daughter. Thank you so much all of you!

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1 Answer

01:23 PM | 10-04-2024

Namaste Shriti,
We understand your worry and must be hard for you to see your child having this condition. As u mentioned you have been dealing with this condition for the past 8 years and during pregnancy the way we pass genetic information we also pass toxicity. And if we don't take care of a healthy diet we activate the toxins which end up causing a disease. But it can be reversible if you provide the right environment for the body to heal itself. The real treatment for thyroid disease is cleansing of the system.
You can follow these steps to start
1. Add fruits like apples, pineapple, watermelon and grapes. Go for local and seasonally available fruits.
2. Put wet packs on the neck and abdomen region every morning empty stomach and in the evening after 2-3 hrs of meal.
3. Please avoid all processed food items like sugar, flesh foods, and fried and packaged snacks as they will affect the thyroid negatively.
I hope you will start working on the above things and if you need more handholding you can come with us for personal coaching with our doctor-nutritionist team as the child is small and guidance will be accordingly. To begin with, you can explore our Raising Kids Naturally program
Meanwhile, you can learn more about thyroid Correct imbalance Naturally.

For queries regarding the program, you can contact our teammates: 9238611952 (Sanjana), 9411817885 (Neha).

Wishing you a fast recovery and good health

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