
09:43 AM | 02-07-2019

How to cure from long cough

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7 Answers

03:47 PM | 02-07-2019

Hi Ashwini. As per Natural Living, long cough reflects an imbalance in the body, i.e accumulation of waste material. Body has self healing powers. You just need to support it with the right inputs, i.e. naturally.

For short term relief, have ginger tea or any herbal tea that soothes your throat. You can get ideas from the recipes section - see here

If you get a cough attack, keep sipping on some water or put a small cinnamon stick in your mouth & keep sucking.

Rub warm mustard oil on your throat.

The above may help you temporarily. You must make a shift in your long term lifestyle because long cough means toxin overload. For starters, shift to a fruits-only regime from the time you wake up till noon. No restriction on quantity, eat as much as hunger demands. Eat seasonal, fresh, local fruits. Eat as is or make fruit smoothies (dairy free, sugar free) or juices at home.....Coconut water, nimboo paani, vegetable juices should be easy for you to add to your diet. Eat a raw veggie salad with your lunch & dinner.

Eat only if you feel hungry. Else let the body focus on cleaning up. 

Avoid foods generally known as unhealthy - i.e. packaged foods, outside foods, oily, fried foods, sweets, etc. They all add to the toxic overload whereas right now you need to reduce it.

Sleep well, sit in sun early morning, deep breathe, ensure movement / exercise.

Small steps......give your body a chance & see the magic of body healing itself :-).

All the best. 

03:46 PM | 02-07-2019

When we talk about cough there are two types short for limited and chronic which is a long time. Longtime cough can be further differentiated by the intensity, expectoration and cause.

Cough can be caused due to various things from bacterial infection to seasonal allergies. Even after an episode of viral infection we have long standing sough for a week or too which is normal.

Few good remedies for Cough can be:

1. Ginger.

2. Turmeric.

3. Honey.

4. Mulethi Powder.

5. Garlic.

A simple recipe which you can try is add ginger (grated), turmeric with honey make a paste. Have it two-three times a day.

03:51 PM | 03-07-2019

Hello Ashwini Ji,

Usually Cough occurs due to Bacterial infection in the respiratory system, Air Pollution, Dust allergy or through Infection also it is possible.

Have this Natural Home made tonic which helps you to overcome this Cough also remove toxins if any accumulated in your Respiratory system.

Take 250 ml water
Add 1 tsp fenugreek seeds
Boil the water till it reduces to half
Strain the mixture
Add 1 tsp ginger juice
Mix well
Drink this lukewarm


Crush a few garlic cloves and make paste
Press this on a sieve and extract juice
Drink 1 tsp of this juice 3 times in a day



04:30 PM | 10-07-2019

It really works like miracle. Thanks ji


09:16 AM | 03-07-2019

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC).
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always.
To know more about PNC, you can study, in order, this series of 15 articles.

Hi Ashwini,

We give names to the different symptoms of health problems.
All the problems get narrowed down to a single cause which is the accumulation of toxins (TOXAEMIA) in the blood due to wastage of nerve forces (ENERVATION) of the VITALITY.

Only conscious conservation of VITALITY, when opted consistently can reverse the state of the nerve force and throw out the toxin to relive the organism.

Old cough needs a lot of conservation of vitality to raise the heat within to throw out the toxins to relieve you.

The Conscious Consistent Conservation of Vitality can be started with improving the INPUT matters by: -
1. Exposing to the sunlight, more and more without irritating the skin.
2. Opting rhythmic breathing of fresh air, as much as possible.
3. Eating more raws and drinking sun irradiated water only when thirst is felt, without overloading the kidneys.
4. Eating as much as RAW fruits and vegetables possible (80% + of the total meal).

You should also improve the ACTIONS, like:-
5. Movements of the joints and stretching exercises, on a regular basis.
6. Taking care of the Spine for its positioning and relaxation, consistently.
7. Rest and sleep of right quality by sleeping as early as possible in the evening.

8. Finally, you needto take care of your THOUGHT patterns to reduce the thought loads from the mind.

10:09 AM | 03-07-2019

Dear Ashwini,

We have an article on how to deal with cough in our Body Wisdom section. You may want to read the same here.

Team Wellcure

09:14 AM | 03-07-2019

Homemade Syrup for Cough

For preparation you need :

1. 200 ml of fresh pineapple juice

2. The juice from 1 lemon

3. 1 teaspoon of grated ginger

4.  2 teaspoons of honey

5.  teaspoon of hot chili

How to prepare:

It’s incredible easy…just mix the ingredients below until they are well incorporated, and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The next morning you’ll see big improvements. The treatment should be follow for 3 days in a row, and if it’s necessary, continue to 5 days.

First of all you should know that pineapple juice is 10 times more effective than any traditional cough syrup. This is proven by specialists in recent studies, which have also shown that pineapple juice has anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and antibacterial properties due to the enzymes it contains.

So, the next time you cough and want to run to the pharmacy for a cough syrup, try this recipe. Not only will you know exactly what the syrup you are going to consume, but you can also control the sugar content that, as you know, is greatly increased in regular syrups in pharmacies.

Note :  Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom and Bhramari Pranayama help you keep away from cough and cold. 

09:13 AM | 03-07-2019

If you mean chronic cough, in my opinion, the fastest way is to fast. But it should be done the right way. Please read this blog on fasting first, If you are having other chronic issues, please take help from a registered naturopath to do it the right way.

In short, when body is given rest, it will heal

- Physiological rest i.e digestive rest

- Mental rest

- Physical rest

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