
10:58 AM | 11-07-2019

How to get out of depression from not clearing an exam and unable to focus for the exams or studies and thinking mostly about past.

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6 Answers

05:49 PM | 11-07-2019

Peer pressure and fear of not living up to the expectations of their parents generally leads to Exam Stress in Teenagers. Especially in case of Board Exams, this time can be really taxing for students as well as their parents.

Today due to competitive world, we pressurize our children o outshine our academic performance and be more successful than us, or we really wish them to top the exams. It is better to keep these expectations and wishes to ourselves and not let our perspective stress our child.

Also students now a days most of them using mobile for longer period of time..or using mobile before going to sleep. addict to social websites and games makes their life miserable.

So to overcome this problem first they need Positive Parenting to encourage them, motivate them instead of building pressure. 

If they are lacking concentration they can have some counselling with special physiologist in order to overcome thinking past during studies.

Can have good tution center where they can clear the doubts and try to re attend the exam and score good marks and back to normal life.

Practise mediation, and adopting to natural life will help them to come out of stress and depression.

Deep sleep is mandatory along with good diet. Positive thinking should be must.

like this they can change new lifestyle.


03:19 PM | 11-07-2019

Failures are the part of successful journeys, don't get affected by them. They are like the traffic signals, they make you stop for a moment, prepare you to go ahead and the next step is yours whether you have to return to red and get depressed or go green and move forward.

I would suggest that get
a short break i.e 2-3 days from your studies, analyse your problems(lacking points) and then work for it.
Inner will is what you need. Share things and thoughts with others.Read positive quotes.

Do meditate and practice yoga and mark my words, it really works(I myself have practiced it)
Do take proper nutrition and consult a doc definitely if you feel like.

All the best

09:39 AM | 12-07-2019


If we correlate, then we will understand the cell and its function Vs the Brain(the structure) and Mind (its function).
On the other hand, allegorically, philosophy is the structure and state of mind (depression or joyfulness) is its function.

Holistically this needs to be addressed.

At the cellular level, the corrections in the food are needed to reverse the condition of its function.
Natural food is the best food to correct the cellular structure through metabolic corrections.

At the philosophical level, the correct understanding of success in life and the true roles of the examination are to be rationally understood by the individual to sway to negative responses of mind.

Thank you...

03:20 PM | 11-07-2019

Dear Gaurav,

In our Body Wisdom section, we have an interesting read on how to deal with depression, tension, anxiety - naturally. Suggest you read the same!

Team Wellcure

02:16 PM | 11-07-2019

Everyone has seen failures. It is not the failure itself which is a problem but the feelings attached to it. Many a times, when faced with a failure, we over analyze things and get sucked deeper and deeper. Its like a snowball effect where we attach all the past failures, our so called limitation, play back what others have told us about ourselves and make it bigger.

I would suggest you to buy books or follow these authors on social media. These are all gurus from the self-help world and personally have helped me a lot.

- Eckhart Tolle

- Dr Joe Dispenza

- Louise Hay

- Dr Wayne Dyer

In terms of activities, engage in activities which bring you joy like some hobbies, connect with nature, sleep on time, avoid stimulants like tea, coffee, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes etc

If the depression is severe, I would suggest counselling using CBT techniques so you are better equipped to handle such situations.



02:14 PM | 11-07-2019

NOTE:Firstly you must seek a professional counselling for depression. The recommendations here are in generic nature and in the condition of depression individual specific treatment is a must.

1.Meditation is the most efffective way to win over depression. Try to join a group near your location, one that I will recommend is Sahaj Marg. To find a centre near your location Click This. I have been following this for last four years and is one of the easiest form of meditation. 

2. Deep Breathing. The mind and conscious breathing are two sides of a coin, the moment we are conscious of our breathing.....Our Mind Goes off to Sleep. Please start with counting your breaths up to 100, then switch to recerse counting from 100 to 1. Sit in a comfortable position (ensure there is no pull on any muscle), close your eyes and start deep breathing and counting your breaths. Gradually increase to a time comfortable to you.

3. Positive Affirmations. Search the google for positive affirmations and make a list that suits you. Start with only 10 and make it a habit to repeat them consciously.

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