
09:47 PM | 15-07-2019

One of my friends has been diagnosed with celiac disease, wanted to know some of the good and Innovative food preparation ideas that doesn't compromise on taste and still keep her healthy.?

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5 Answers

12:20 PM | 16-07-2019

Hello Namaste,

Celiac disease is a disorder in which eating gluten triggers an immune response in the body, causing inflammation and damage to the small intestine.

Gluten is a type of protein found in grains including wheat, barley, spelt and rye.
Celiac disease is a serious condition that can cause a host of negative symptoms, including digestive issues and nutritional deficiencies.

People may face symptoms like;

Weight Loss
Iron-Deficiency Anemia
Depression etc;

They can overcome this in certain period of time by changing theri diet and life style.

Like having Fresh fruits and vegetables as well as fruit juices should be consumed to reduce the amount of inflammation in the lining of the stomach.
Drink ginger tea or chew raw ginger to reduce inflammation of gas.
Prepare tea by boiling one teaspoon of flaxseed in a cup of water. Drink it at night.
If there is actute gas  avoid foods that tend to make gas worse, including beans, cabbage.

Eat raw vegetables like carrot, beetroot, semi boiled brocoli, boiled potato. Nuts.

This improves the digestive system.

05:49 PM | 17-07-2019

Hey Mehak,

Taste creation will always compromise the health in it.
The taste which is not created INTENTIONALLY but evolved in nature on its own will contain taste.
So, here we are not talking about sacrificing TASTE, but talking about choosing the taste which is not intentionally crafted.

Now the problem with the name of celiac disease is nothing but the accumulation of toxins due to lack of nerve forces to throw that out of the body. The reversal needs conservation of nerve forces holistically so that the body throws the unwanted garbages and gets relieved from the toxaemic state.

Right food (TASTE in its natural state) is a way to conserve nerve forces (VITALITY).

Hence I would appreciate if the individual is appraised about VITALITY CONSERVATION and s/he opts for that without worrying much about human crafted TASTES.

Thank you...

This response from PSYsolution is in line with the Pure Nature Cure (PNC)
In PNC, the remedies are never recommended.
In PNC, the causal analysis through VITALITY-EDUCATION is opted always. 
To know more about PNC, you can study, in order, this series of 15 articles. 

11:32 AM | 17-07-2019

Please avoid all processed and store bought stuff as many of them have gluten including soya sauce and hing. Make everything from scratch at home. Have minimal cooked food and have more of fresh veggies and fruits as per hunger. Sleep, sunlight and a calm mind are also important for healing. Overtime, the gut will heal and these symptoms decrease gradually.

01:31 PM | 16-07-2019

There is a lot of misconceptions about celiac or any auto immune conditions. When a child is born, it either has a compromised gut and toxemia condition that it gets from the parents due to their lifestyles and starts off eliminating or over its lifetime it accumulates and gets to display ailments. 

With that background, celiac disease is not an autoimmune condition which suddenly makes someone say that they can’t eat wheat . What would have happened is toxemic conditions would have compromised the intestinal track and torn it. Many of those holes which forms over a period lets out undigwsted matter into the blood stream. So the body tries to attack the foreign object ( not foreign to the gut but to the blood stream) andtries to remove it by sending it to various places like skin or other organs .. so each person displays the eliminations in different ways. Body is trying to protect us always. It can never be our own enemy attacking itself.  Usually this takes a long time and consistent healthy lifestyle to fix.in nature cure this condition can be reversed. It does not mean that you expect a time period to start having gluten, no. Due to the toxemic conditions , the viral infections would have compromised the gut. It takes time for the microbiome or healthy bacterial flora to grow back in the gut. When that happens, they handle the food digestion process and there won’t be any scavengers to feed on the gluten which absolutely they love because it takes longer to digest and usually a compromised gut takes longer than needed and this rots and decomposes. Such putrid food is a food for scavengers which also causes harm in our gut. In a nutshell, a healthy high raw lifestyle with no eggs meat diary fish sugar etc these issues can be managed and over a period of time handled properly. 

There are many recipes on wellcure that are gluten free .. all of them are diary free, sugarfree too. Please take a look at the recipes section. In my experience, a ragi chapathi rolls better than wheat and is tasty too. It’s just an acquired taste to live a healthy life. 


Check out my recipes under my profile, one of them is ragi chapathi 


12:29 PM | 16-07-2019

Dear Mehak,

Our Recipes Section has many healthy recipes. Here are some examples of the gluten-free recipes we have -

Ragi Dosa

Millet Cutlet 

Bajra Roti

Amaranth Roti

All these are millet based recipes as millets are gluten-free. You may also read the article on Millets in our Body Wisdom section.

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