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07:22 PM | 01-05-2024

I have erosive antral gastrisitis showed in endoscopy. I have symptoms like excessive belching, constipation and burning pain in stomach since 2 months. Can it be cured without allopathy treatment? Plz suggest me what should i do now.

03:56 PM | 11-11-2021

Hi my wife is 35 years old is having acidity and gastritis. Whenever she eats spicy food she feels burning sensation in her upper stomach. Allopathy doctor prescribed her some anastetic antacid syrups , how to treat this holistically and naturally with foods?

02:09 PM | 06-07-2021

Can erosive antral gastrisitis be cured permanently? I am fed up with this. I have belching, constilation and pain in abdomen

10:53 AM | 09-02-2021

My name is Venkat. I am suffering from gastritis, IBS, gut issues and obesity problem. Please suggest me diet. I am 37 years old, my weight is 82 kg and height is 5. 5.

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