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Hi, my nose gets blocked in the night, so my breathing becomes improper. End up waking up in the middle of the night, what to do?
Mayuri Goswami
08:37 AM | 07-01-2019
For relief take steam, gargle with honey, apply camphor mixed in warm coconut oil on back and chest. Pineapple is also very good for has bromelain, an enzyme with anti inflammatory properties. I have juice of pineapple, pomegranate and some citrus fruit everyday.
Hi, I have a gerd, my whole day time goes all good, but when I sleep at night, coughing starts & it’s very irritating,is there anything which can help? Cough syrups upsets my stomach, so please help?
Ashlekha Sharma
01:55 PM | 02-05-2024
Hi Ankush Sharma, Thanks for sharing your concern with us! As per nature cure, the human body works towards maintaining its pH or acid-alkaline balance. GERD occurs because of an increase in the acid levels in the bloodstream. Coughing or acidity is the body's way of telling you to reduce acidity & restore the acid-alkaline balance. Here, when we speak about acidity and alkalinity, we are referring to the acid/alkaline levels that remain in your body after digestion of the food and not the actual acidic/alkaline content of the foods you consume. Here are some guidelines to follow: start your day with fruit breakfast, do not combine it with nuts, seeds, salt, pepper or other veggies add 30-40% raw vegetable salad to your lunch & dinner plate adopt oil free cooking & do not add lots of spices to your sabzis, soups or curries avoid coffee, tea or carbonated beverages avoid dairy products and non-veg foods eat only whe
My 4. 7 year old twins have adenoids hypertrophy, cronic cough, frequent viral infections from last 1. 6years year. I tried nasal steroids spray, homopathy and ayurveda but their condition is the same. I tried to increase their immunity, giving warm tulsi water, reducing dairy, no junk food but nothing works. The ayurvedic medicine like giloy, karchnar gugulu, vasavaleha, panchkola churna, agastya haritaki. I am giving them from last 40 days but their condition is not improving. Pls help
Anjali Rauthan
09:07 PM | 18-04-2024
Namaste Monika, We understand that it must be challenging for you. This condition is a result of enlargement of the adenoids, a patch of tissue located high in the throat. Adenoids and tonsils work to trap germs entering the body through the nose and mouth. Therefore, these tissues swell whenever there is an infection. And because the body has toxic overload, that's why the child is experiencing frequent viral infections. Here are some tips that will help. 1. Garlic It has sulfur compounds which have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory action. Crush raw peeled garlic and mix it with honey and lemon juice and then consume it. 2. Have warm beverages When adenoids become swollen, it become difficult to swallow. So, giving a warm beverage will help to provide the nutrition and it also has soothing effects on the enlarged tissues of the throat. A mild herbal tea or a clear soup can be consumed for this. 3. Vitamin C-rich diets like oranges, mosumbi, lemons, sprouts, and be
I get frequent Common COLD in summers probably because at times we move out of AC room to AC car and vice versa. Kindly suggest suitable remedies.
Ashlekha Sharma
06:10 PM | 13-04-2024
Hi Sushil Goel, Thank you for sharing your concern with us! Before jumping to the solution let's understand the reason behind getting frequent cough and cold, it is not only AC or seasons to blame. Wrong living practices like the wrong foods, smoking, eating without true hunger or in the wrong state of mind, lack of rest, sunlight and exercise, pollution etc build up toxins in the body. These toxins irritate the tissues in the body and become inflamed. So, the body opens up the mucous membranes to drain out the toxins via the mucous resulting in cold. Cough is a natural mechanism to throw out dust, germs & any other irritants from the respiratory system. Here are some guidelines to follow: 1. Include easy to digest foods such as coconut water, fruits and vegetables in the form of salads, juices, smoothies, soups etc. 2. Avoid all forms of animal products, tea, coffee, processed foods, grains, nuts and seeds and other cooked foods. 3. Soa
My throat becomes red and i get fever every 15-20days i visit the dr he gives me some medicines and tell its due to allergy but everytime same things happen due to which i am unable to do job also. What do i do?? He says if you go to AC and come to room temp den it will happen and many other reasons
Ashlekha Sharma
06:19 PM | 09-04-2024
Hi Mansoor Kapadia, We can totally empathize with what you would be going through. It is our endeavor at Wellcure to guide people towards natural living and healing. Let us begin by understanding the Nature Cure perspective. Toxic overload is the basic root cause of all diseases. Due to insufficient elimination of toxins (via kidneys, skin & lungs) the body gets clogged and the toxins cause inflammation of tissues resulting in frequent cough, cold & fever. Fever is the body's natural mechanism to fight germs & purify blood. Our body has an internal thermostat and the ability to heal. Fever is there when the temperature of the body is risen to handle the toxemia linked crisis. Here are some practices that will help you: 1. Fasting: Fasting is a sure way to speed up the elimination of toxins. It helps the body to rest and recover on a deeper level and allows the body to rest its digestive system while it work
I am 29 yr old. My immune system is very weak, every 3rd-4th day I have cold and cough. And after doing some exercise I get fever due to fatigue. Height 5'6, wt 60. Can someone suggest me how to increase my immunity. Now, at this age can it be build up more? Or what should I do for healthy lifestyle?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
03:15 PM | 18-08-2021
Hello User, The reason why our body chooses to go low in immunity is because of our regular diet and low exercise which makes our lifestyle vulnerable to all the diseases. Hence, we continuously get vulnerable to these symptoms and our immunity becomes down to fight all the infections. The main thing here is, it should be about everything, food, meditation, sleep, and exercise which amalgamate for good health. Eat: The first thing in the morning is to start your day with something light in nature. Easy to digest is what your breakfast should be because they are the kind of nutrients that get absorbed easily. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water will help in flushing out all the toxins. The ideal diet would be to depend on fruits and raw vegetable intake for at least one month and refrain from something oil-based. One inch of ginger boiled in two cups of water with one tablespoon lemon, boil them for 5-10 minutes. Consume th
Hi I'm 22 years old, i have been suffering from sinus since (i dont even remember) but one of my nasal passage is always blocked and post nasal drips are always occurring due to which my breath stinks. Whenever i blow my nose nothing comes out of it but inflammation stays and whenever i go for bath my nasal passage automatically opens. My spit is almost pure white in color whenever i spit out and the in the morning the cough is green but throughout the day it is transparent. Tried all med.
Swati Dhariwal MA, ND,
01:35 PM | 08-08-2019
Namaste kartik Thakur Your issue of sinuses can be solved. Please follow the given basic guide lines 1 Learn pranayam and yoga for relaxing your mind, improving your flexibility and activating your lymphatic system. 2 Get good sun exposure either in the early hours of the morning or a couple of hours before sunset. 3 Get in touch with Mother Earth. Do some gardening with your hands or atleast walk barefoot on sand or mud. Sit in parks or lie on the ground or lawns and relax. 4 Keep an eye on your bowel movement. See to it that your bowels are always functioning normally. Eliminate larger quantities than what you eat. 5 Rest and relax well. Sleep in the earlier part of the night and sleep through the night. Wake up before or with the sun. 6 Be well hydrated. Consume lot of juicy fruits veggies and greens to hydrate yourself well. Remove all dairy, meat, refined flour and oil, packaged or processed food completely from your daily diet. 7 Be happy alw
How to get rid of cough and cold for ever? Please help
Nikita Mishra
03:36 PM | 10-05-2021
Hello Sidharth, Cough and cold is a response of the body against infections and toxins. It may occur as a result of seasonal changes also. The inflammation due to the infection leads to headache and heaviness in the eyes and head. Here are some tips to follow to manage it- Some tips Put 2 drops of mustard oil in both the nostrils in the morning. This will help to remove the excess cough from the nasal passage. Take steam with pudina leaves twice a day. Have herbal tea in the morning. Diet Have a glass of warm water with fresh lemon juice in it. It has antioxidant properties and will help to flush the toxins out of the body. Have only plant-based natural foods in the diet. Avoid dairy and animal products as they are not meant for the human digestive system and hence results in the accumulation of toxins which leads to pain and inflammation in the body. Avoid carbonated drinks. Say no to smoking and alcohol. Drink coconut water. Physical activi
Hi, I am Imamul, 24 year old and allergic to cold and throat congestion since long time. In the morning when I brush my teeth, it feels like vomiting and choking and to avoid choking and vomiting I spit and cough a lot. During day time when I have my lunch or dinner I feel the same thing as in the morning. When I try for gargle I feels like same vomiting. Right now I am using honey and mulethi paste at night. Kindly help me.
Dollie kashvani
01:31 PM | 04-05-2021
Please drink warm water. Avoid cucumber, coconut water, onion, potato, rice, curd, milk.Tthese things make allergic reaction in throat.
Hello. I am 25 I live in Mumbai as the climate is very hot and humid I feel thirsty & if I even drink one glass of cold water my neck starts itching and cold & cough start accumulating. I can't have ice creams or anything cold. What should I do?
Nikita Mishra
03:02 PM | 03-05-2021
Hello Mansoor, Drinking cold water when you are thirsty may make you feel good but it is not good for the body. It is always best to drink water at room temperature. Our body is made up of five elements i.e. akash, vayu, agni, jal and prithvi. Feeling thirsty indicates that the jal mahabhuta is getting out of balance and it needs to be balanced. The best way to maintain your body's jal mahabhuta in equilibrium is to drink water with gratitude towards it in a certain way. Keep the water in a copper vessel and that vessel should be kept at a place where it is not surrounded by anything. Whenever you drink water from it, have a gratitude towards it for keeping your body healthy. Drinking water from copper vessel is best as it has many benefits. Itching in neck, cough and cold indicates that you have allergies to some food products. Food allergy results due to our immune system malfunction. Our immune system considers some foods as pathogens and reacts to
Can I give banana to my baby when he is having cough and cold?
Mayuri Goswami
11:35 PM | 22-02-2021
As everyone if looking for answer that should we give banana during cold and cough for babies. Read ahead if you also wanted to know does banana cause cold in babies. Personally, I have seen no difference when my child has cough or cold, and I give him banana. That could be cause I am a firm believer that the cold, cough and fever discharge need support through the cleansing action of fruits. Infact in my experience whenever I have cut out or lowered grains, milk and non veg during high colds, congestion I have seen relief in mucous levels within a day or two. So my usual practice is not avoid bananas even during evenings. I often give him with no dairy smoothies, Sometimes in summers if mangoes are not ripe, it could induce irritation in throat or coughing so I make sure I give fully ripe fruits to my little one. Go for high water content seasonal fruits and whatever you are comfortable with but no need to fear bananas. Hope you have got the
My kid is 8 years old. From the age of 4 he is suffering from wheezing, cold, cough and later Alopecia. Pls let me know how do I help my kid from this suffering. He has got 4-5 patches on the head.
Nikita Mishra
12:01 PM | 10-02-2021
Hello S Ramya, Symptoms In children the symptoms for cough and cold include cough,running nose,headache, fatigue,lack of appetite. What can be done? Prepare a mixture of ginger,turmeric,black pepper,tulasi and give it to your child. Give hot water steam to your child. Give your child hot water with honey and lemon. Apply warm mustard oil mixed with rock salt to your child's chest. Include nuts,almonds, raisins,sprouts to your child's diet. Things to avoid Avoid the child's contact with the infected person. Keep a ban on your child's chocolate, candies. Keep your child away from cold. Avoid dairy foods . Thank you
What does one do for sore throat? Hubby down with sore throat.
Asha Shivaram
03:29 PM | 28-12-2018
Doing warm water gargles with honey helps. Keeping food on lighter side i.e eating easy to digest foods like fruits, juices, soups etc. helps recovery too. He also needs to relook at his sleep and rest patterns as during times of cold, sore throat, fever etc. body needs additional rest to repair and recover faster. Ample sun intake in mornings is also beneficial.
I am 64 years old. I have a mild heart valve leakage. I am suffering from cough for the last three weeks. Pls help.
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
07:27 PM | 03-04-2020
Hello Jacob, If the cough is persistent then there it becomes a signal of long term pressure we are putting on our body. Cold, cough, fever are all inflammatory reaction where our body is going under a defense mechanism. The reason why our body chooses this is because of our regular diet and low exercise which makes our lifestyle vulnerable to all the diseases. Hence, we continuously get vulnerable to these symptoms. With this, as you are also having a problem with your mitral valve regurgitation then a complete no-fat diet is what we need. Mitral valve regurgitation can highly affect our weak immunity system. But no need to worry about a healthy diet and exercise will be helpful. The main thing here is, it should be about everything, food, meditation, sleep and exercise which amalgamate for good health. Eat: The first thing in the morning is to start your day with something light in nature. Easy to digest is what your breakfast should be because they are the kind of nutrients tha
All the cough gets accumulated in my neck and it becomes red. Is it because of low immunity? What should I do to get completely rid of it? It happens again and again though I don't drink or eat anything cold.
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
04:03 PM | 02-04-2020
Hello User, If the cough is persistent then there it becomes a signal of long term pressure we are putting on our body. Cold, cough, fever are all inflammatory reaction where our body is going under a defence mechanism. The reason why our body chooses this is because of our regular diet and low exercise which makes our lifestyle vulnerable to all the diseases. Hence, we continuously get vulnerable to these symptoms. The main thing here is, it should be about everything, food, meditation, sleep and exercise which amalgamate for good health. Eat: The first thing in the morning is to start your day with something light in nature. Easy to digest is what your breakfast should be because they are the kind of nutrients that get absorbed easily. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water will help in flushing out all the toxins. The ideal diet would be to depend on fruits and raw vegetable intake for at least one month and refrain from
I am having allergic cough now, the throat irritation is also there. Mostly in winter season i used to have such difficulty but this time still it is persistent, though i do salt gargling , steam inhaler avoided all cold items like curd ice cream etc. Can anybody help me.?
Dr. Khushbu Suthar
12:06 PM | 01-04-2020
Hello User, If the cough and cold are persistent then there it becomes a signal of long term pressure we are putting on our body. Cold, cough, fever are all inflammatory reaction where our body is going under a defence mechanism. The reason why our body chooses this is because of our regular diet and low exercise which makes our lifestyle vulnerable to all the diseases. Hence, we continuously get vulnerable to these symptoms. The main thing here is, it should be about everything, food, meditation, sleep and exercise which amalgamate for good health. Eat: The first thing in the morning is to start your day with something light in nature. Easy to digest is what your breakfast should be because they are the kind of nutrients that get absorbed easily. Even the early morning ritual should include consumption of two-three glasses of warm water will help in flushing out all the toxins. The ideal diet would be to depend on fruits and raw vegetable intake for at least one month and refrai
I have a weird problem at hand. I got cough n cold few days back. I increased my raw food and also rested well for a day or two my nose was flowing like a river and I became ok post that. But 5% of my cough cold has stubbornly remained and just refuses to go. Its been many days now and I wonder what else to do?
Ankur Bhatia
12:43 PM | 03-01-2019
Warm ginger lemon concoction mixed with a small amount of water helps. You can also keep chewing dry fruits often. If cough persists esp at night, you can soak dry fruits such as kishmish and take when coughing. This will soothe your throat.
Continuous pain in the throat n running nose for many days now. Have been taking Mix of ginger honey n lemon. It gives temp relief. Any one any suggestion. Especially for the pain.
Ashok Kumar Sharma
08:27 AM | 07-01-2019
Go for only fruit, raw vegetable salads and raw veg juice diet for 1-2 days with lots of rest. Just target for a day at a time. Go for pineapples they give lot of relief in cold and fever. Go for fruits with high water content as they are most efficient detoxifiers. Do onion juice with honey twice a day. You must know that the body is sending a signal for rest, physically mentally and digestively. Along with lowering your digestive load, make sure you are resting well and amply. Sleep earlier if not already doing, and go in the sun too.
Nose blocked. Forehead congested. Legs hurt. Can someone suggest a remedy?
Shweta Gupta
03:37 PM | 28-12-2018
Cough and cold are body's way of eliminating toxins and correcting our acidic-alkaline balance. During this time our actions must reflect what the body wants. The key element to focus on is rest rest and ample rest. This includes physical, mental and digestive rest. Make sure you steam regularly, to get some immediate relief. Add some aroma oils such as eucalyptus or lavender. Also focus on increasing your rest. Relook at your food, and swap processed foods with raw fruits, raw veggies salads and homemade juices. This will really help conserve energy and help your body focus on repair. In the long run also, as you recover keep your dairy non veg and wheat and grains on lower side, instead make sure you are eating ample variety of fresh, live plant based foods (fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, whole beans and whole pulses).
Throat has been aching and now sneezing has started. What can I take?
05:26 PM | 16-01-2019
Have your food before or by 7 PM. At 8 PM drink water. Go to sleep. Next day in the morning do not brush your teeth and avoid any contact with water till 12 PM. Do not eat anything till 12 PM. Try taking steam either with haldi (turmeric Raw or powdered) or with ajwain (carom/caraway seeds). Best is to take two-three times alternating with haldi and ajwain. Try to rest till 12 PM. I hope you will recover this way the fastest.
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